Life on our Planet, A

Attenborough, David

  2 Reviews

A household name and with decades of international experience under his belt, broadcaster and historian David Attenborough is a man with a powerful message. In this 'witness statement and vision for the future', he outlines what has been done to the natural world, and spells out how it is possible to remedy the damage that has been inflicted.

Part-memoir, part-manifesto and part-blueprint, this is a sobering account of the mess we have made of the natural world, and crucially, how to restore balance to our planet.



TWIZ 004
Some members were very excited for this book and were hoping for more memoir/auto-biographical elements. A less interesting read for the members who prefer non-fiction, however very interesting to others and generated much discussion.
AUCK 399
We agreed this was a great book. Every adult should read this book. The small print made it hard for some of our group to read it.